Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /home/u593943216/domains/wp-experts.in/public_html/secure_content/themes/wp-experts/inc/classes/class-hooks.php on line 151
Posted by WordPress Experts on November 15, 2019 4301 Views Share on
If you want to play video automatically when visitor scroll the youtube video section on any page then given below code can help you. Given below script will automatically play the video when visitor will scroll the youtube video section and it will automatically pause when visitor will scroll to other content section on the
Hello Friends, From last few years, We were getting request from our users to provide video tutorial and Officially today we have released our youtube channel, I hope you all will like our videos. Please have a look on below link to visit our youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2SOgxuD5PRbIMCv8r_q4A Share our channel link with your friends and